Caring for the environment with sustainable practices

At Big Wave, we care deeply about the environment and our coastal lands, and all of our products are created in a sustainable manner using organic sources and natural methods.

Big Wave Farm natural foods sign at sustainable garden
Big Wave Project residents at the farm
lavender field in bloom at Big Wave Farm in Half Moon Bay
Big Wave Farm arbor entry to sustainable garden

Land Conservation

Conservation of the land is a significant goal for us. The acreage we farm has been cultivated for generations and we are committed to pesticide-free products and produce.

We continue to restore wetlands on the Big Wave property, which connects the nearby working harbor, the adjacent residential community, and the coastal riparian habitat, all in accordance the Coastal Commission and County recommendations. Our wetland restoration project increases existing wetlands as well as provides protection to the adjacent native environment.

We have planted 1,500 native willow trees and spread three acres of land with native wetland plant seed. At the end of 2022, volunteers helped us plant another 220 willow trees, 300 one-gallon pots of native wetland plants, and spread another two acres with native wetland plant seed.

SWCA Environmental Consultants prepared our County-approved wetland restoration plan and monitored adherence to the specifications. Go Native, a local wetlands plant nursery and wetland restoration contractor, supervised the planting and provided the native plants. Our coastal lands are precious to us, and we work hard to protect them!

Water Conservation

The very nature of environmentally friendly compost is that it helps retain soil moisture, which reduces our need for water.


We use organic farming methods as a part of our commitment to the environment. Composting is an important goal of the farm.


Our garden is adaptable to different needs. We employ greenhouse gardening, raised and low beds, and a variety of garden methods.

Soil Conservation

We use OMRI-listed products, certified vermiculite, and Big Wave-made compost to preserve and improve the fertility of our soil.

Food Production

We teach from the garden and we also utilize it for food production.

Dig in, and learn more about how to volunteer on the Big Wave Farm!

red clover field cover crop at Big Wave Farm
fresh garden compost with beneficial worms
Big Wave Farm volunteer hoeing weeds from garden