The Big Wave Project

                    A live/work community that fosters independence for


                                       adults with developmental disabilities




September 5, 2012


Re: California Coastal Commission Decision and Our Response


Dear Supporters:


On August 8th the Commission issued its decision to kill our project. To reach its decision the Commissioners ignored the six year County process that led to unanimous approval, a 6,000 page environmental impact report, and overwhelming community support. Ninety-four of our supporters gave up an entire day to attend the hearing. Sixty-seven of our supporters from all walks of life offered eloquent and honest testimony on why our project was so important not only to the Coastside but as a model to communities throughout California and our entire country. The Commissioners however not only ignored our overwhelming support but one commissioner, Blank, gave a long monologue in which he impugned the motivations of the project founders and parents who have dedicated their lives and fortunes to provide a financially sound project for our most disadvantaged. The one thing that became obvious in the comments from the Commissioners is that they based their decision on something other than the facts.


The decision by the Coastal Commission has by no means killed Big Wave. The partners in Big Wave LLC have already started the process to move forward with a law suit. We also will be increasing our outreach to the community, other government agencies and legislators. Although we would rather be allocating funds to directly provide a better life for those with disabilities, the Coastal Commission’s decision to outright kill the project instead of negotiating a reasonable solution has forced us into this position.


We will keep all of you updated as we move through this process and we welcome your continued support which we will need now more than ever.




Jeff Peck